Despre noi - Informatii

La Gura Baraganului, in comuna Dor Marunt, acolo unde izvoraste apa ce curge prin Valea Gerului, se afla Ferma Domnita Maria, intr-o zona bogata de istorie si traditie.

Ferma Domnita Maria este detinuta de Giurca Loredana Carmen si Petrescu Cezar. Suntem in Dor Marunt, Jud Calarasi, Dn3A nr 214. Prima palma de teren a fost cumparata in 2010- vara.

Fabrica cuprinde o serie de constructii in volum util de 8000m3,birouri, Fabrica, Depozite,  utilaje specifice, magazii, spatii dedicate procesare/conditionare, utilaje specifice si nu in ultimul rand Oameni. 4 Gradini separate cu plante medicinale. Fabrica a fost finalizata in 2018- in format p+1 are 1000 m2 de birouri si 1500 m2 spatii de productie.
Ferma noastra produce ulei CBD pentru intreag Continentul. Produsele noastre sunt vandute pe Ebay si Amazone la preturi exorbitante de diverse firme, amestecate cu diversi compusi de sinteza. Multe din produsele vandute de terti si in Romania la 10 ml sau alte forme sunt produse tot de noi! Ele se vand ca Produs in Olanda/ Produs in Anglia; etc.
Sapunul nostru CBD a fost declarat produsul anului 2018 in Anglia (spun insa ca este produs in SUA).
In fapt extractele nostre sunt singurele de pe piata Europeana care nu produc efecte adverse consumatoriilor, cu adevarat produs natural fara continut sintetic de cannabinoizi asa cum se practica international!

Volumul de munca necesar obtinerii unui extract de cannabis la scara, este atat de mare si intensiv (munca/ resurse/ know-how) incat in realitate suntem singurii care produc la scara un extract liber de cannabinoizi sintetitci. Nici Olandezii, nici Americanii, nici Englezii, noi in Romania! Noi facem baza pe care o folosesc toti in formulari.

Produsele sunt dezvoltate de:

Petrescu Cezar- Inginer absolvent de Politehnica cu Master in Sisteme de Productie si Executive MBA la Erasmus in Rottedam- 15 ani + experienta
Giurca Loredana Carmen- Inginer absolvent de Politehnica cu Master in Managementul Calitatii Produsului- 15+ experienta in industria Chimica.

La Gura Baraganului, in comuna Dor Marunt, acolo unde izvoraste apa ce curge prin Valea Gerului, se afla Ferma Domnita Maria, intr-o zona bogata de istorie si traditie. De la Mosu Doru cel Marunt, intemeietorul si cel dintai locuitor al comunei, la satul situat in imediata vecinatate, care odinioara purta numele Domnita Maria, printesa mostenitoare a vechiului Regat al Romaniei. Tot aici principala atractie turistica este Herghelia Dor-Marunt, care se infiinteaza la sfarsitul secolului XIX pe mosia boierului Camarasescu si ramane si acum una dintre cele mai mari si mai moderne din tara. Ferma isi propune sa reinvie vechile traditii de cultivarea a canepii si inului, cu valorificarea atat a fibrelor cat si a semintelor. Ferma si gradinile  Domnita Maria cultiva mai multe plante oleaginoase, aromatice si medicinale. Ferma este complet dotata cu utilaje magazii si silozuri si produce, proceseaza si comercializeaza exclusiv produsele obtinute in ferma. In sistemul de agricultura ecologica nu se folosesc ingrasaminte chimice si nici pesticide. Oferim o calitate a produselor de exceptie cu eforturi pe masura. Ferma Domnita Maria cultiva si proceseaza primar toata productia (extragere uleiuri prin presare la rece, procesare sroturi, selectare, uscare, conditionare, decorticare, ambalare. Produse naturale obtinute din ulei de canepa presat la rece fara rafinare sau incalzire, cu filtrare naturala cu pasla de bumbac organic si ambalat in sticle speciale in mediu protejat. Cannaderm detine Ferma si Gradinile “Domnita Maria”. In laboratoarele Cannaderm, produsele sunt obtinute din cele mai bune uleiuri si extracte din plante procesate la ferma. Toate produsele nostre sunt 100% naturale, fara apa sau alcool. Produsele nu contin substante chimice, conservanti, coloranti sau parfum.

About Us

Our farm is named Lady Mary Farm & Biodynamic Gardens. Is situated in the south plain of Romania called "Baragan" a landmark for the most fertile soil in the country (one of the best in the world) and where the main agricultural crops takes place. Is located 60km from Bucharest, 8km from Highway A2, 80km from Bucharest Airport. And 140km from Black Sea.

We have integrated the local history where our village town Dor Marunt was formed back beginning of IXX century around the founder - Tany Dor the little one (Dor Marunt is a play on words, Dor is both person name and meaning the dearly missed one, Marunt is the little one).

The country town has integrated another small village called Lady Mary (2km from farm) which is carrying the name of Queen Mary (the direct niece of Queen Victoria) and express the affection of people for the princess Mary at that time, the village being born end of IXX century, during the time that the princess came to Romania to form the crown pair.

We have integrated also the history of one of the biggest horse stud in Romania (still is) founded beginning of XX century by the landlord Camarasescu (former Agricultural Minister) on which former estate we have the farm. The organic compost is coming every year from this local horse stud.

The Frost Valley (another famous local landmark) where we have some of the land located, it used to be full of hemp cultivation, as this area have had a large tradition of hemp cultivation, just 30 meters away from our farm is the former central south plain hemp smelter with built in infrastructure to train freight wagons.

The farm consist of over 70 hectares and 6 gardens.
It is a family farm started by two engineers, with a large experience in oil and gas.

The Biodynamic Gardens were bought back in 2005 having every year different crops and in 2008 we've started the full farming with Cezar directing all works from abroad and flying regularly and spending 1/3rd time in Romania.

The farm and gardens are all in organic agriculture, starting the conversion in 2010 and finishing in 2013. So we are know the third year of fully organic agriculture.

Also in 2010 he started an unconventional agricultural “no till” process and special techniques for weed control.

It took us 10 years to build the experience and we ranged from grains, corn, oilseeds, vegetables, trees (walnuts) medicinal plants.

This year will be the fourth year (first crop in 2013) when we are cultivating hemp having different strains of the plant (cbd, seeds, fiber, tea). For the hemp it took us years of authorizations and control with government authorities.

As the plant is under special conditions and regulations, it is difficult to cultivate it and there are very few hectares being cultivated in the country, exception is the Dutch company which is also the biggest in EU.

After a long battle with agricultural minister, in 2015 we have obtained the first ever issued authorization no. 1 (in the last 25years) for primary processing the plants. They basically redefined after that the norms for hemp in the country.

If in 2013 we had 70 hectars of organic hemp, last year we had approx. 17 crops as follows:

  • hemp(2crops)
  • flax
  • safflower
  • thistles
  • coriander
  • poppy
  • fenkel
  • fenugreeek
  • castor
  • sunnflower(2crops)
  • rapeseeds
  • mint
  • calendula
  • camomile
  • walnuts trees
  • wheat(for weed control/rotation)
  • corn

Some other plants we have in the wharehouse are coming from our fields, growing naturally but not under organic certificate: Perforate St John's-wort, celandine, acacia flowers, lime, Yarrow, rosehip, pine buds.

 In addition we have many other medicinal plants supplied by the research stations, with organic certificate (salve, different mint strains, melissa, plantain, lavender, rosemarin etc.)

In 2016 we will cultivate a wider range of hemp strains, all the medicinal plants above and some more, flax, safflower and other oilseeds.

We will expand the range of crops by contracting some plants from the research stations, we currently cooperate with 4 of them, each specialized in different medicinal plants and oilseeds.

We have a long term cooperation with a well known professor that had dedicated his life to study hemp for more than 40 years. He developed some of the national strains. He makes us annual visits, share experience, share seeds for various strains. We also visit his plantations in the research station.

Farm is fully equipped with all the seeding, carriage, harvesting, trailers and other agricultural machines needed.

Farm land is very compact and gardens are all in the same town village which makes is easy to control, especially for the medicinal plants (controlling weeds and harvesting is done on daily basis).

Being all organically means that weed control and most of the harvesting, drying, storing process is done manually. For this as explained, we have team of season workers that were trained for each plant separately.

We are currently finishing 240sqm plant (cold pressing centre, laboratories, production hall and invoicing, expediting facilities).

Existing storing capacity for raw materials is for 1000sqm in one silo and two floors wharehouse.

Developing the hemp products has started also with the first hemp crops, and developed during the years, finding the best recipes and having the products tested (lab but also in public networks).

The experience in hemp for the last couple of years allowed us to develop the cbd oil.

We opened our farm site beginning 2014.

So basically we don’t sell any of our crops, we incorporate plants, seeds, cold pressed oils in end products, and the current range of products is only a first shot. The variety, diversity of natural products will be in continuous growth. We expect a large products expansion in 2016, this will include the extra virgin organic oils for consume, medical and cosmetic use, the cosmetics and medicinal products, cbd, food supplements and mix of tees.

Tel no: 0242643754
